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QoS (Download) -- Classification Rules

Quality of Service (QoS) provides a way to control how available bandwidth is allocated. Connections are classified into different “service classes,” each of which is allocated a share of the available bandwidth. QoS should be applied in cases where you want to divide available bandwidth between competing requirements. For example if you want your VoIP phone to work correctly while downloading videos. Another case would be if you want your bit torrents throttled back when you are web surfing.

Match CriteriaClassification
Source Port: 80, Connection bytes: 1 MBytesNormal
Source Port: 443, Connection bytes: 1 MBytesNormal
Source Port: 80Fast
Source Port: 443Fast
Source Port: 53Fast

Specifying your total bandwidth correctly is crucial to making QoS work. You should enter the minimum bandwith your ISP provides you ignoring "Speedboosting" or other advertised peak values which change in ways that QoS cannot compensate for. Entering a number which is too low will result in a connection which is slower then necessary. Entering a number which is too high will result in QoS not meeting its class requirements. Since some ISPs don't provide you a guaranteed minimum bandwith it may take some experimentation to arrive at a number. One approach is to start with a number which is half of what you think it should be and then test your link under full load and make sure everything works. Then increase it in steps, testing as you go until QoS starts to break down. You also may see that after your testing QoS works for a while and then stops working. This may be because your ISP is getting overloaded due to demands from their other customers so they are no longer delivering to you the bandwidth they did during your testing. The solution, lower this number. Note that bandwidth is specified in kilobit/s. There are 8 kilobits per kilobyte.

The default service class specifies how packets that do not match any rule should be classified.

Packets are tested against the rules in the order specified -- rules toward the top have priority. As soon as a packet matches a rule it is classified, and the rest of the rules are ignored. The order of the rules can be altered using the arrow controls.

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QoS (Download) -- Service Classes
Service Class NamePercent Bandwidth At CapacityMinimum BandwidthMaximum BandwidthLoad (kbps)
Voip1%80 kbit/s200 kbit/s *
Fast80%zerounlimited *
Slow1%zerounlimited *
Normal18%zerounlimited *

Each service class is specified by three parameters: percent bandwidth at capacity, minimum bandwidth and maximum bandwidth.

Percent bandwidth at capacity is the percentage of the total available bandwidth that should be allocated to this class when all available bandwidth is being used. If unused bandwidth is available, more can (and will) be allocated. The percentages can be configured to equal more (or less) than 100, but when the settings are applied the percentages will be adjusted proportionally so that they add to 100.

Minimum bandwidth specifies the minimum service this class will be allocated when the link is at capacity. For certain applications like VoIP or online gaming it is better to specify a minimum service in bps rather than a percentage. QoS will satisfiy the minimum service of all classes first before allocating the remaining service to other waiting classes.

Maximum bandwidth specifies an absolute maximum amount of bandwidth this class will be allocated in kbit/s. Even if unused bandwidth is available, this service class will never be permitted to use more than this amount of bandwidth.

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QoS (Download) -- Active Congestion Control
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Congestion Control Status
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